January 1, 2023
BUA – Balcão Único Automóvel
Build a one-stop shop to simplify State services and allow citizens to issue a single vehicle registration document containing information currently on two services...
The main goal of the Information Systems and Processing group (ISP) is to be at the forefront of research in information processing. Its main contribution to the mission of IEETA is by providing expertise that will contribute to novel Intelligent Systems for Human Assistance. The group contributes with work at three levels. The lowest level includes implementation and reconfigurable hardware. Information and signal processing occurs at an intermediate level, and information systems and visualization at the highest level.
January 1, 2023
Build a one-stop shop to simplify State services and allow citizens to issue a single vehicle registration document containing information currently on two services...
March 1, 2022
This is an exploratory project focusing on the development of models and tools for managing and processing spatiotemporal data. The focus is on modeling...
September 1, 2021
This service provision was selected by international public tender. Its main objective is to computerize the property registry of São Tomé & Principe and...
January 1, 2021
Develop efficient sample-processing and DNA extraction methods for analysis of human and viral DNAs as well as stable isotopes from bones and teeth, as...
January 1, 2021
Study all available human bone material from Levänluhta and Käldamäki sites by analysis of human genomes and human persistent virus genomes. Use stable isotopes...
September 1, 2020
SHIFT2FUTURE - Promotion of economy 4.0 in SME industry (https://www.shift2future.pt/) - Support and accelerate the transition of businesses to economy 4.0, by providing entrepreneurs...
July 1, 2020
Augmanity – PPS5 - Tools for better and healthier workers in i4.0 environments (https://augmanity.pt/) – Development of tools for Optimizing human efficiency and productivity...
February 1, 2020
The objectives are to develop methods for time series forecasting to predict the number of customers in retail stores hourly, and for automatic sizing...
June 1, 2018
This project focuses on the development of methods and tools for modeling and analyzing spatiotemporal data using continuous models of space and time. The key...