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IEETA, University of Aveiro
Integrated Researcher
Research Group
Information Systems and Processing
Personal website
Bernardo Marques was born in Aveiro, Portugal. He received the Ph.D. in Computer Engineering from the University of Aveiro in 2021. His thesis explored the subject of “Concepts and Methods to support the Development and Evaluation of Remote Collaboration using Augmented Reality.” His main research interests include practicing Human-Centered Design and research in the fields of Virtual and Augmented Reality, Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, Remote Collaboration, Information Visualization and Human-Computer Interaction.
In parallel with the two first years of his doctoral program, he was also a Junior Researcher on the Smart Green Homes (SGH) project at DETI, UA, in partnership with Bosch Thermotechnology, focused on the study and development of platforms for context-sensitive interaction in the domestic and industrial scenarios.
Previous, he worked on the VR2 Market project at IEETA, where he focused on the development and support of the infrastructure and mobile applications associated to intelligent monitoring and management of critical events, such as fatigue, stress and smoke intoxication, regarding first response professionals operating in high risk scenarios.
He received the Master Degree in Computer and Telematics Engineering from the University of Aveiro, Portugal, in 2016. His dissertation goal was focused on enhance the psychology practice by harnessing technology in service of novel, versatile and more adapted therapy applications. By providing a system addressing phobias’ treatment supporting physiological data collection in a VR setting, he was rewarded with the 2nd place in the 2016 Fraunhofer Portugal Challenge (master degree category).
Before joining the research activity, he worked as a part-time electrician for an Industrial automation company at Renault CACIA, S.A. in Portugal. During this activity he was responsible for several technical tasks regarding automation, networking and electrical (low and medium voltage) subjects.
Keywords: virtual reality, augmented reality, cscw, remote collaboration, information visualization, human-computer interaction, human-centered design