From the 18th until the 20th of April, ESTG – Politécnico de Leiria organized the JOCLAD 2024 – a conference organized by CLAD (Portuguese Association of Data Analysis and Classification). IEETA members were present at the conference on several fronts.
The following four articles were presented in the conference, with at least one IEETA member as an author or co-author:
• Pain recognition through the heart rate variability indices (Bruna Alves and Raquel Sebastião)
• Unveiling microplastics identification via hierarchical clustering analysis of Raman spectra (Guilherme Lopes, Anaísa Lucena, Carlos Marques and Sónia Gouveia)
• Adaptive threshold for time-domain photoplethysmography signal qualifier (Ana Carolina Almeida, Susana Brás)
• Institutional and contextual factors in the transition to accrual accounting in the public sector of Mozambique (Rui Salato, Patrícia Gomes, Carlos Ferreira)
There was also a competition called LERIAHACKATON, in which teams containing students of some of our integrated members (João Carvalho and Armando Pinho) obtained both the second and third place on the category “Ensino Secundário/CTeSP” and the second place on the category “Licenciatura/Mestrado” – congratulations to them.
Finally, we would also like to congratulate our student Bruna Alves for the JOCLAD scholarship she was also awarded by the conference committee.