We are delighted to announce that the paper titled “Gesture Recognition for Communication Support in the Context of the Bedroom: Comparison of Two Wearable Solutions” has been awarded the prestigious “Best Paper Award” at the International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health (ICT4AWE).
The paper, authored by Ana Patrícia Rocha, Diogo Santos, Florentino Sánchez, Gonçalo Aguiar, Henrique Ramos, Miguel Ferreira, Tiago Bastos, Ilídio C. Oliveira, and António Teixeira, was presented by Ana Patricia Rocha, at the ICT4AWE held in Prague, Czech Republic. The award recognizes the significant contributions made in gesture-based communication support.
The research was based on the work conducted as part of the “Computer and Informatics Engineering Project” (2021/22) by students Diogo, Florentino, Gonçalo, Henrique, Miguel, and Tiago, under the guidance of Professor Ilídio C. Oliveira, Professor António Teixeira, and Doctor Ana Patrícia Rocha. It was also developed within the “APH-ALARM – Comprehensive Security Solution for People with Aphasia” project, a collaboration under the AAL Programme with partners in Portugal, Hungary, and Austria, funded by FCT.
The main objective of the APH-ALARM project is to develop a communication support system between a person with communication difficulties and another person, such as a caregiver, where the primary user utilizes gestures to send simple messages to the secondary user. The awarded work involved the implementation of two versions of the proposed system: one using a smartwatch for gesture recognition, and the other utilizing a more affordable and comfortable sensor module (smaller and lighter). Both versions were then compared in terms of their performance for gesture recognition.
We are proud to contribute to the advancement of technology for the benefit of individuals with communication challenges. The awarded paper can be referenced as follows:
Rocha, A.; Santos, D.; Sánchez, F.; Aguiar, G.; Ramos, H.; Ferreira, M.; Bastos, T.; Oliveira, I., and Teixeira, A. (2023). “Gesture Recognition for Communication Support in the Context of the Bedroom: Comparison of Two Wearable Solutions.” In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health, ISBN 978-989-758-645-3, ISSN 2184-4984, pages 65-74. DOI: 10.5220/0011991700003476.
Additionally, we would like to highlight another paper presented at the same conference and developed within the APH-ALARM project:
Nunes, F.; Rocha, A.; Valente, A.; Silva, S., and Teixeira, A. (2023). “Gesture-Based Communication for People with Aphasia While in Bed.” In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health, ISBN 978-989-758-645-3, ISSN 2184-4984, pages 237-244. DOI: 10.5220/0011989200003476.
We are proud of the achievements made at IEETA, and the commitment to developing innovative solutions in the field of communication support.
#IEETA #BestPaperAward